Gday and welcome to my Blog

Have a look around and check out the links I have you'll have alot of fun with them.

Information/instructional design

What it is to me. Yes I know I start alot of Blog with this or have the sentence within it. Oh well. But back to the formal writing style. I hate being formal in a medium like this.

Instructional design provides the reader with a set of steps to follow in order to learn about new information. This information may be a process, knowledge, or diagrams/ artwork. Traditionally instructional design was a paper based set of instructions or learning material designed, often in a linear style for the learner to master one piece of information before progressing to the next step and learning more information. Generally, this progression was from simple to the complex concepts relevant to the learning.

Instructional design today is able to provide learning that is not so rigid in its structure due to the use of computer programs. This has greater flexibility for learner styles as well as acknowledging the information the learner may already have.

Oh and here are some links that relate to this. I got them from my research.

Hmmm blogger or myspace??

I dont know which one was created first but with more experience with myspace I prefer myspace. espesially since you can do a tonne more with myspace than blogger. But I supose Blogger is the prefered one people who just want to blog stuff I supose. Its not the most intereactive thing you can do on the interenet.

Links for awsome interactive design websites

What Intereactive design is to me

Hmmm....... Im not sure on the style of writing is prefered for these blogs but ive been writing really relaxed and easy. Mind you is just how I am though. So I though for a change Ill write my next 2 blogs with better grammer and technique to show Im not always lazy and dim witted.

Interactive design allows for and encourages ongoing communication from conception to completion of design between the designer and the client. Paper based design is increasingly giving way to computer based design and 3D graphics providing the client with clearer, more realistic image/s of the development of the final project. Continued computer and software development is resulting in the technology providing a prime media for communication. In order for this media to firmly establish itself in the market it will be necessary for the technology and software to become a basic component in communication accessible to all people.

Im seeing this more more as I go through the years of uni where CAD designs are more flexible and can be easier than paper and hand drawn based designs. Also Im looking forward to learning how to use flash aswell.

(Insert text here)

(Insert text here with information about intereactive design)

Hmmm i better get off Ebay and have a look

Thought of the day

Hmmm after seeing all the different interactive game types that Ive seen in the past few lectures showed me some awsome things I never knew you could do with a PDA and the interenet. You can tell they require alot of work and processes for it to work. There similar to WOW(World of warcraft) but they use actual characters and is more real life based games such as chase and treasure hunt. Where as WOW relies more on developing you avatar character. ALthough there all fun to play and both a very good example of intereactive design.

Idear poped into my head.

After writing a thought that I had on my mind and the thought that someone has to read just explained to me why people do blogs. Its an awsome way to express what you feel. Its a shame I just realised it at the last minute which is what happens to me all the time..... But i never understood the thought of why would you write in a diary...... But the thought of writing in a blog where you know hundreds of people will read inspires you to write even more.

Random blog

Google is the best thing out!!! I had to instal a program and i couldnt read the file. All I had to do was to google a file reader for the specific file and I was able to instal one straight away. Now thats information at your finger tips. I wonder if the cops use google to catch criminals out and find them. Also can terrorists use google earth to get a good area map idear before they do what they do? Someone told me in a battle against some els...... Im being vaige I cant rememebr the name at the moment but the enemy were able to counter the fighters because CNN kept giving away their positions. Now thats hilerious. Having so much interaction and information at our finger tips proves we can do anything we want. Hmmmmm........... LOL

what blogging is to me

What is the point of blogging? Well i reckon its the diary that you write in and then able to show it to people, where they are able to see whats on your mind and the mood your in or its also good as a devie to vent fustration over and have a whinge about life. Sadly Ive seen that done and the results wernt pretty. Hmmmm...... its also good as an open book journal. So its a very useful medium to use where you are able to write what on your mind and what youve been up to at any time and any where in the world where you have an interenet connection. Although it doesnt really take my fancy at the moment.

What WEB 2.0 is to me

Hmmm where to start? Ill have to check with google before i write anything first.

...... Searching.......

Myspace........ Msn..... oops.

OK. What I percieve Web 2.0 to be is basically what we seee it as today. That may sound pretty simple, but thats what I see it as. Reading what they said from the search on google shows me that Web 1.0 was a more read only and where people would upload information onto the web site. The Web 2.0 is proberly best defined as more of Web 2.0 interactive. Web 2.0 has more things where its interective and people can change and have more freedom and connectivity with others than they did with web 1.0. So instead of being a primarily for information, its now most commonly used for social reasons where you are able to meet and talk with your friends.

so that's my conception of web 2.0. It proberly explains why wer doin interactive design.

Procrastinating before the real blog i have to

Hmmmmm....... I'm just about to write blog on WEB2.0 when i got distracted by msn, ebay and my favorite comic page. Oh and yes I know I already have a blog on web 2.0. But the blah blah blahhh bt shows that was just a muk up run. But anywho My friend has this comic site which is the funniest thing ever. its all pretty much done using Photoshop and a graphics tablet and he has had no real training. But yeh Im in some of the comics.

Anywho if you wanna see some awsome comics go to:

You'll love it!!!!